Top 10 Crafts Kids Can Make and Sell for Profit

Top 10 Crafts Kids Can Make and Sell for Profit

Crafts are a great way for kids to explore their creativity, learn new skills, and entertain themselves. And what’s better than making crafts? Selling them! Encouraging children to sell their creations can help teach them valuable lessons about entrepreneurship, financial responsibility, and work ethic. Additionally, it can be a fun way to earn some extra pocket money or support a charitable cause.

So what are some great crafts kids can make and sell? The possibilities are virtually endless! From jewelry to artwork to homemade soap, there are countless options for children to experiment with. Additionally, many crafts can be made with inexpensive and readily available materials, making them an affordable option for young entrepreneurs. By encouraging children to brainstorm ideas and take the lead in creating and selling their products, parents and caregivers can help foster a sense of independence and responsibility.

The Importance of Teaching Kids the Value of Money

When teaching children about money, it’s important to start young. One of the best ways to do this is by encouraging them to make and sell their own crafts. Not only can this be a fun and creative activity, but it also teaches children valuable lessons about entrepreneurship and financial responsibility.

Here are a few reasons why teaching kids the value of money through crafts they can make and sell is crucial:

  • Teaches financial literacy: When kids start earning money from their creations, they learn about budgeting, saving, and spending responsibly. It’s a hands-on approach to learning about money that can benefit them for years to come.
  • Builds confidence and self-esteem: Creating and selling a product is a great way to boost a child’s self-confidence and help them build a sense of accomplishment. Knowing that they’ve worked hard to create something that others want to buy can be incredibly empowering.
  • Encourages creativity: Crafts allow kids to explore their creativity and express themselves in unique ways. This can lead to greater innovation and problem-solving skills in the future.
  • Develops social skills: Selling crafts at a fair or market can teach kids valuable social skills like communication, negotiation, and customer service. They’ll learn how to interact with others and build relationships that could benefit them in all areas of life.
  • Fosters independence: Making and selling crafts gives kids a sense of independence, as they learn to take control of their own financial future. They’ll understand the value of hard work and be motivated to continue creating and selling their products.

Overall, crafts kids can make and sell provide a fun and engaging way to teach important life lessons around money. So why not encourage your child to start their own crafting business today? Who knows – they might just become the next big entrepreneur!

Craft Materials to Use for Kids’ Crafts

Crafts are a fantastic way for kids to express their creativity, have fun, and learn new skills. Not only that, but savvy kids can even turn their crafts into a business by making and selling them. However, not all materials are created equal when it comes to crafting. Some materials are easier for kids to handle, more durable, or are simply more cost-effective. Here are some top craft materials that kids can use to create beautiful and marketable crafts:

Construction paper and cardstock

Construction paper and cardstock are some of the most versatile materials for kids’ crafts. They come in a wide range of colors and thicknesses, making them ideal for creating everything from greeting cards to papercraft sculptures. Cardstock is especially useful for crafts that need to withstand wear and tear, such as boxes, bookmarks, or picture frames.

Pipe cleaners

Pipe cleaners are another must-have material for kids’ crafts. They’re easy to bend and shape, and they’re perfect for making everything from fuzzy creatures to miniature sculptures. Pipe cleaners come in a variety of colors and textures, including metallics and glitter, so kids can let their imaginations run wild.


Pom-poms are fluffy and fun, and they’re perfect for adding a pop of color to any craft project. They can be glued onto different surfaces, including paper, cardboard, or fabric, making them ideal for creating everything from bookmarks to hair accessories. They come in a range of sizes and colors, so kids can choose the perfect pom-pom for their project.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic paints are a great way for kids to add color and life to their crafts. They’re water-soluble, easy to clean up, and come in a wide range of colors. Acrylic paints can be used on many surfaces, including canvas, paper, and wood. Kids can use them to create paintings, decorate boxes, or even paint rocks to sell as garden decorations.


Beads are ideal for creating beautiful jewelry and other crafts. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, making them perfect for creating unique designs. Kids can use beads to make necklaces, bracelets, keychains, and even Christmas ornaments. Beads are also inexpensive, so even young entrepreneurs can afford to buy them in bulk.

These craft materials are affordable, versatile, and perfect for kids’ crafts that can be sold. With a little bit of creativity and some hard work, kids can turn their crafts into a successful business and learn valuable lessons about entrepreneurship along the way.

Crafts are an ideal way to keep kids entertained and engaged while allowing them to show off their creativity. The best part is, they can even make some extra money by selling their crafts. In this section, I’ve rounded up 10 of the easiest crafts that kids can make and sell, with items that are affordable and materials that are easy to find.

Crafts Kids Can Make and Sell

  1. Popsicle Stick Bookmarks: All you need are some popsicle sticks, markers or paints, and glue. Once the sticks are colored, simply glue them together and attach a ribbon or a tassel at the end. These bookmarks make great gifts, and they’re so simple to make that even younger children can get creative with them.
  2. Friendship Bracelets: These simple and colorful bracelets are a classic favorite. With just a few skeins of embroidery floss, kids can get started making all sorts of intricate patterns. Once they’ve made a few, they can sell them to friends and family, or even set up a small stand at a local market.
  3. DIY Bath Bombs: Bath bombs are all the rage these days, and it’s easy to see why. They’re simple to make, and when dropped into the bathtub, they release a soothing fragrance and fizz. All you need is some baking soda, citric acid, essential oils, and a bit of food coloring. Once your bath bombs are dry, you can package them up nicely and sell them to your friends or at a craft fair.
  4. Decorated Flower Pots: Plain terracotta flower pots can be transformed into beautiful works of art with just a bit of paint and creativity. Kids can let their imaginations run wild as they decorate their pots, then plant some seeds or beautiful flowers inside. These make great gifts or can be sold at a farmer’s market or yard sale.
  5. Simple Tote Bags: With just a bit of fabric paint and a plain canvas tote bag, kids can create unique designs that can be sold as shopping bags or used as beach totes. When designing their bags, kids can draw inspiration from their favorite animals, landscapes, or even their names.
  6. Handmade Soap: Making soap from scratch may seem daunting, but it’s actually quite simple with the right ingredients. Kids can make their own soap by mixing together some glycerin, essential oils, and food coloring. Once their soap is ready, they can wrap it up nicely and sell it at a farmer’s market or craft fair.
  7. No-Sew Fleece Blanket: With a few yards of fleece material and a pair of scissors, kids can create cozy and warm blankets to sell. The best part is, there’s no sewing involved! Simply cut small slits around the edges of the blanket and knot them together.
  8. Homemade Lip Balm: Lip balm is a great item for kids to make and sell, and it’s surprisingly easy to make. All that’s needed is beeswax, coconut oil, and some essential oils for fragrance. Once the lip balm is made, it can be poured into small containers and sold.
  9. Clay Jewelry Dishes: With some clay and a little imagination, kids can make their own jewelry dishes to sell or give as gifts. They can create fun designs with brightly colored clay, or they can keep it simple with plain white. These dishes are perfect for holding earrings, rings, and other small trinkets.
  10. DIY Candles: Making candles is a great way for kids to show off their creativity and make something that smells amazing. With beeswax, essential oils, and a few jars, kids can create candles that make great gifts or sell at a craft fair.

These crafts kids can make and sell are not only easy but also fun. Whether they’re selling their creations at a local market or posting them on an online store, kids will learn valuable business and entrepreneurial skills while having loads of fun at the same time.


I hope this article has given you some inspiration for crafts kids can make and sell. With a little creativity and hard work, kids can turn their love for crafting into a profitable venture.

Remember to choose crafts that are age-appropriate and easy to make, with affordable materials. Focus on creating unique and eye-catching designs that appeal to a broad audience. In addition, marketing your products through social media, word-of-mouth, and local craft fairs can be a great way to reach potential customers.

Don’t forget to encourage kids to keep track of their sales and expenses, and to save a portion of their earnings for future projects. Crafting can be a fun and rewarding hobby, and with some effort, it can also become a successful small business.

So, get ready to unleash your creativity and start making some amazing crafts kids can make and sell. Good luck!